boxwood blight

Feb. 2020: Third International Summit on Boxwood Challenges

The NewGen™ and Saunders Brothers teams at the Third International Summit on Boxwood Challenges, hosted by the American Boxwood Society.

The NewGen™ and Saunders Brothers teams at the Third International Summit on Boxwood Challenges, hosted by the American Boxwood Society.

Last month the American Boxwood Society hosted its Third International Summit on Current Boxwood Challenges. Over 140 people heard from researchers and growers from Europe, Canada and the United States who discussed the latest research on Boxwood Blight and the Boxwood Tree Moth. This one-day event was hosted at the National Agricultural Library in Beltsville, Maryland.

Although the Boxwood Tree Moth has not been found in the United States, it has devastated boxwood production in Europe. The morning session of the event began with research on the biology of the moth, determining the invasive pathways that introduced the moth to Europe, concluding that the pest was originally introduced from eastern China to Germany in 2007 and has since spread significantly over Europe. Most of the spread has been from the transport of infected plant material, with some movement through native boxwood forests. The moth was found in the United Kingdom in 2008 and has since spread around the southern parts of the country. Chris Poole, the Chairman of the European Boxwood & Topiary Society, shared management strategies being utilized in the United Kingdom and around Europe against the moth.

The morning session finished with speakers from North America, focusing on what the Canadian industry is doing to monitor and prevent the spread, and how the U.S. can prepare against the moth. First identified in Ontario in October 2018, OMAFRA (similar to U.S. Extension) has diligently been monitoring and treating the pest as it appears. Using many of the same tactics that have been effective in Europe, most infections are low to moderate, with less than 10% considered severe. In the United States, using pheromone traps for detection and diligently spreading the word about this potentially invasive species can aid in catching the moth early. In the event that it is found, there are methods of control already available. Researchers are aware of the pest and are focusing efforts to learn from those already affected in order to prevent the introduction of Boxwood Tree Moth to the United States.

The afternoon focused on Boxwood Blight starting with a recap of what is known about the disease and ways to treat and prevent it. Mary Ann Hansen, who works in the Plant Disease Clinic at Virginia Tech, has many years’ experience identifying Boxwood Blight. She shared information about the biology of the disease, how to identify it, and how to clean it up in the event of an infection. There are many tools available to the public about Boxwood Blight, including the Virginia Boxwood Blight Task force website.

The event finished with several presentations on further research being done around the U.S. There are many projects in the works focused on learning new and effective control strategies. Projects range from breeding programs to biocontrol studies to thermotherapy, all being done at many universities around the U.S. There is still no silver bullet in preventing or treating Boxwood Blight, but the is a light at the end of the tunnel as much of the research proves positive. One of the recent studies showed a decrease of Boxwood Blight lesions by 97% just from adding a layer of mulch. You can read more about that study here. As research continues, we only get more positive that as an industry we can overcome this challenge.

If you’d like to learn more about events like these, check out the American Boxwood Society’s website.

Tips and Tricks for Growing Cleaner Plants

Creating a phytosanitary plan doesn’t have to be a daunting endeavor. There are many simple steps you can take to grow cleaner plants. Saunders Brothers has worked with many researchers and Extension agents to establish protocol to help prevent the introduction and spread of Boxwood Blight at their nurseries. Although this plan was designed with Boxwood Blight in mind, these practices will help growers produce cleaner, more successful plants.

Foot mats/baths:

Foot baths are located at every walkway leading to the Saunders Brothers office.

Foot baths are located at every walkway leading to the Saunders Brothers office.

One of the first and easiest steps to take is the inclusion of foot mats/baths for sterilizing shoes of anyone entering a growing area. These can be placed in greenhouses, worker common areas, and near offices. Having foot baths as a first line of defense minimizes the introduction of new pathogens to your growing area. Saunders Brothers uses foot mats at the entrance to all of their office and worker areas. Saunders Brothers uses Zerotol® 2.0, but a 10% bleach solution is also effective.

Disposable pant/boot covers:

Crews in the field nursery wear disposable suits when they are working on larger plants.

Crews in the field nursery wear disposable suits when they are working on larger plants.

Crews wear rubber boots that can be easily cleaned and disposable pants when moving between growing areas.

Crews wear rubber boots that can be easily cleaned and disposable pants when moving between growing areas.

An example of plastic pant and boot covers in the field.

An example of plastic pant and boot covers in the field.

Disposable pants and boots serve as a physical barrier between one’s clothing and the plants they are working in. If there are any spores or pests on the clothing, it is less likely they will migrate to the plants. Saunders Brothers employees wear disposable, plastic pant and boot covers while working in boxwood houses. Boxwood Blight spores can stick to tools and clothing moving from location to location, so instead of worrying about having fresh clothes, disposable pant/boot covers are the perfect solution.

This is also a great tool for landscapers that may visit many sites in a day. Instead of having to change or sterilize clothing, wearing disposable pant and boot covers greatly reduces disease or pest movement from site to site.

Sterilizing tools/equipment:

Pruning crews as Saunders clean their tools with alcohol between each house.

Pruning crews as Saunders clean their tools with alcohol between each house.

Even large equipment like digging machines are cleaned with sterilant between fields.

Even large equipment like digging machines are cleaned with sterilant between fields.

Sterilizing tools and equipment is an easy, practical step to take towards growing cleaner plants. It is a good practice to carry around a spray bottle of isopropyl alcohol. Research shows that a 50% isopropyl alcohol solution is effective at killing most plant diseases. Alcohol spray can be used to clean any handheld tools such as pruners, shovels, or trimmers. Other options of sterilants are a 10% bleach solution or Lysol® spray. Many researchers also recommend hydrogen dioxide products such as Zerotol® 2.0. Make sure to always check labels before you use any products. Most of these products are very user-friendly and are labeled to clean tools, equipment, or even surfaces.

Dragging a hose through a bed of infected plants and then moving it through a healthy bed could spread diseases. Taking an extra minute to spray the hose down with a sterilant could avoid a bigger cleanup in the future.

Cleaning Stations/Sectioned growing areas:

Cleaning stations in the field nursery.

Cleaning stations in the field nursery.

Cleaning station in the container nursery.

Cleaning station in the container nursery.

This tip takes a bit more planning than some of the other suggestions, but might have the biggest pay off if you ever run into a disease or pest problem. Saunders Brothers has set up both their field and container nurseries in sections. In the container nursery, boxwood are grown in specific locations separated by roadways. In the field nursery, areas are sectioned based on geography. Each section has a cleaning station that all employees must visit at they enter and exit. Cleaning stations are stocked with:

  • Disposable pant/boot covers

  • Trashcan

  • Boot bath and brush

  • 70% Isopropyl alcohol spray/liquid hand sanitizer.

  • High pressure water hose (field)

Crews using a cleaning station to rinse off their shoes and equipment.

Crews using a cleaning station to rinse off their shoes and equipment.

Upon entering and exiting the area each employee must:


  • wear rubber boots, easily washed boots, or disposable boot covers

  • step in boot bath/wash boots

  • put on disposable pant covers


  • remove and trash disposable pant covers or spray pants

  • step in boot bath/wash boots

  • wash hands/ use hand sanitizer

  • rinse off tools, then spray with alcohol

This is an example of the sectioned boxwood production areas are at the containers nursery at Saunders Brothers.

This is an example of the sectioned boxwood production areas are at the containers nursery at Saunders Brothers.

The perks of setting up these sectioned areas is that in the event of an infection, you can quarantine one area, and continue production from the other locations. Consequently, each time a person or a crew enters a new area, they are cleaning off any potential pests or diseases.

Establishing cleaner growing protocol doesn’t have to be a daunting task. Taking some steps early on in production can help set you and your plants up for success while combating common pests and diseases. Consider these tips and find what works for you.

Fungicide Recommendations for Boxwood Blight in Virginia


By: Dr. Keith Yoder - Retired Plant Pathologist, Virginia Tech

Following the severe boxwood blight year in the Mid-Atlantic region in 2018, nursery growers and landscape care professionals should diligently follow prescribed Best Management Practices (BMPs) as a first line of defense to avoid introducing the boxwood blight fungus or, where blight is already present, to manage it most effectively while reducing the risk of spreading it to new locations.

Fungicides are an essential part of the BMPs. They protect boxwood and reduce the spread of blight by preventing germination and infection by the fungal spores. Examples of protectant fungicides listed in the Virginia Tech Nursery crops Pest Management Guide (PMG, page 5-7) are chlorothalonil (Daconil Weather Stik, 1.4 pt/100 gal) and mancozeb (Dithane 75DF Rainshield 1.5 lb/100 gal). Some fungicides are locally systemic (within the leaf) and offer specific modes of action. Recommended examples, also listed in the PMG, include fludioxonil (Medallion WDG2-4 oz/100 gal), thiophanate-methyl (Cleary 3336 WP 1.5 lb/100 gal), boscalid + pyraclostrobin (Pageant 12-18 oz/100 gal), and tebuconazole (Torque 10 fl oz/100 gal). Because the systemic classes of fungicides tend to be at risk for development of resistance, it is generally recommended (and often specified on the label) that they should be alternated and tank-mixed with broad-spectrum protectant fungicides such as chlorothalonil or mancozeb. Spectro 90WDG (1.5 lb/100 gal) is a combination product that contains both chlorothalonil and thiophanate-methyl. The above list is provided as recommended examples. We feel these can be blended into an effective season-long program, but this list is not meant to exclude similarly labeled formulations and other effective products.

In practice, a rotational schedule of very effective fungicides containing both protectants and systemic products that would have minimal chance of developing resistance might look something like this:

Week 1: Chlorothalonil (Daconil Weather Stik, 1.4 pt/100 gal).

Week 3: Mancozeb (Dithane 75DF Rainshield 1.5 lb/100 gal) + Tebuconazole (Torque 10 fl oz/100 gal).

Week 5: Chlorothalonil (Daconil Weather Stik, 1.4 pt/100 gal).

Week 7: Mancozeb (Dithane 75DF Rainshield 1.5 lb/100 gal). + Pyraclostrobin (Insignia 8-16 oz/100 gal).

Week 9: Start back with the Week 1 rotation. If need be, there are other classes of systemic fungicides that could be substituted into the rotation.

Fungicide applications should begin in the spring when conditions become favorable for infection: Infection periods occur at temperatures of 60-77°F with extended wetting and high humidity. The residual activity of fungicides is affected by amount of rainfall, weathering and degradation, and must be reapplied at regular intervals while the risk of blight infection is present. However, they must not be applied more frequently than recommended treatment intervals, or applied in excess of rates specified on the product label. Always read and follow product labels for safety instructions regarding mixing, handling, compatibility with other chemicals, application methods, re-entry intervals and limitations on amounts of product per acre per year.

Because blight spores can stick to tools, equipment, spray hoses, etc., sanitize all equipment, shoes, gloves, etc., used in tending and treating boxwood to prevent spread of fungal inoculum to healthy plantings. For a list of sanitizer recommendations, refer to the Boxwood Blight Task Force website. It is recommended that vehicles that may have been exposed to the boxwood blight fungus be thoroughly washed of debris (e.g. cleaned at a carwash) to avoid spreading the fungus from one planting to another.

A note about spray equipment: At Saunders Brothers we spray our nursery blocks with an “air-assisted” sprayer (pictured above). We chose this sprayer and like it because it gives good penetration of the spray by spraying straight down into the plants. Many airblast sprayers are characterized by the strong sideways airflow, which could blow detached leaves and plant debris from row to row, possibly spreading disease.

To be noted: While Saunders Genetics has worked with nursery growers who have successfully used the pesticides listed above, we make no guarantees or promises, nor express any opinions, concerning the effectiveness or safety of these or any other pesticides.  Always read the labels and other product information from the manufacturer and discuss the proper use and application of products with appropriate company representatives or acknowledged experts.

Basic Biology and Management of Boxwood Blight

Since Boxwood Blight was found in the United States in 2011, researchers and growers have been diligently working to understand this pathogen. Although the disease has spread to 28 states since its initial identification in North Carolina, there have been many breakthroughs in the understanding of the biology of the disease and how to control it.

Map of states with known cases of Boxwood Blight as of 2018

Map of states with known cases of Boxwood Blight as of 2018


Boxwood Blight is a fungal disease caused by the pathogen Cylindrocladium buxicola (syn. Calonectria pseudonaviculata). The pathogen attacks the foliage of boxwood, first appearing as black or dark brown spots on the leaves. In a few days, those spots will develop yellow to brown rings around them and cover the leaf. Infected leaves fall off the plant in a matter of a week or so, and stems near infected leaves will develop streaked black lesions or cankers.


The disease is most prevalent when environmental conditions favor warm temperatures between 60° - 80° F and high humidity. Leaves that are continually wet from constant irrigation, prolonged rain, or high humidity are prime targets for the pathogen. When conducive conditions subside, the fungus will go dormant in the form of black streaks in the limbs of affected plants or debris. The fungus can lie inactive for long periods of time and reappear when conditions become conducive again.

Here you can see the north side of the plant getting the disease first. There is almost an exact line because the north side gets less sunlight and dries more slowly.

Here you can see the north side of the plant getting the disease first. There is almost an exact line because the north side gets less sunlight and dries more slowly.

The Boxwood Blight spore is heavy and sticky, and is typically introduced through contact with infected plants, debris, tools and equipment, clothing, animals, water splash, or other means of direct contact.

Currently, the only known hosts of the pathogen are members of the Buxaceae family, Buxus sp. (Boxwood), Sarcococca sp. (Sweetbox), and Pachysandra sp (Spurge).

With a better understanding of the disease lifecycle and its optimal conditions, there are many practical ways to prevent and control the spread.

Because the spores can spread from plant to plant on clothing, tools, or splashing water, anyone working around boxwood should start with clean clothes, shoes and tools. Make sure to properly clean tools and equipment with disinfecting agents like alcohol, bleach, or Lysol before and after use in boxwood. If you are a landscaper moving from site to site, you should use a disinfectant on clothing and shoes, or use disposable pant and boot covers between sites. Starting with and maintaining clean equipment can remove the pathogen from ever entering a new site. 

Crews in gear.jpg

Spores of the pathogen can also spread through water so it is best to avoid overhead irrigation when possible. Facilitating an irrigation schedule that allows just a 3 hour period of dryness for the leaves can significantly reduce the spread of the disease. When there are periods of dry foliage, the leaves are far less likely to become infected, even if the spores are introduced. Never use overhead irrigation in the late afternoon because leaves will remain wet all night. Maintain good air flow when planting and pruning the plants to ensure leaf drying. Recent studies have also shown that mulching every two years or so with at least an inch of mulch around the base of the plant can lessen water splashing.

Studies have shown that, when tested in a lab, all boxwood cultivars show some susceptibility to blight. However, many field tests have shown significant differences in tolerance between cultivars. We have observed certain cultivars, particularly the microphylla, insularis, and harlandii species show strong tolerance compared to those with sempervirens genetics. Shape and structure of the boxwood also affect each plant’s tolerance. Open, more upright plants tend to be more tolerant while short, compact cultivars seem to be more susceptible. We believe this is because the shorter plants that are close to the ground get more water splashing on them. Research is ongoing to discover additional cultivars that will be tolerant to boxwood blight. 

A photo of Buxus ‘SB 108’ NewGen Independence™ next to an American Boxwood, planted on the same site for 3 years.

A photo of Buxus ‘SB 108’ NewGen Independence™ next to an American Boxwood, planted on the same site for 3 years.

The exciting results we have seen with varietal tolerance inspired us to create the NewGen™ Boxwood brand. We believe the combination of tolerant varieties and best management practices like those we have outlined are the future of an industry that doesn’t fear Boxwood Blight. For more information check out our education page on Boxwood Blight and subscribe for monthly newsletters filled with the most relevant and up-to-date information and research on boxwood.

 More examples of Boxwood Blight damage and examples on how the pathogen moves:

Who is NewGen™?

Easily one of the most recognized garden plants, boxwood (Buxus sp.) have been gracing formal gardens for thousands of years and are considered one of the oldest ornamental plants. As slow-growing evergreen shrubs, these plants have always been a symbol of a gardener’s commitment and investment to a green space. Boxwood have held their reputation for many years because they are low maintenance, provide structure to a garden, and have few pests and disease pressures.Unfortunately, this reputation took a hard hit in 2011 with the introduction of Boxwood Blight in the U.S. and many growers became concerned about the beloved plant.

Saunders Brothers in Piney River, VA, a family-run nursery with a rich history of boxwood production, responded to this threat by investing in research to find a solution. Their experience in trials for resistance to Boxwood Leafminer, helped them to work with researchers and universities to begin testing for varietal tolerance of Boxwood Blight. After testing over 150 varieties, it was clear certain varieties excelled. Saunders Brothers was excited to have found solutions to a potentially devastating disease. They felt they needed to share these genetics with the industry. This sparked the creation of NewGen™ Boxwood.

NewGen™ aims to be the standard bearer of a distinctively better family of boxwood. This new generation of plants promises better tolerance of Boxwood Blight, better resistance to Boxwood Leafminer, and a WOW factor in the landscape.

“To meet the threat of rising pest and disease pressures, as well as maintain boxwood as the foundation of the landscape, we felt we needed a new approach,” says Bennett Saunders, General Manager of Saunders Genetics. “We’ve focused our attention on new and improved genetics, more thorough testing methods and protocols, partnering with like-minded growers, and establishing a distinguished brand identity. We believe NewGen™ represents the future of boxwood for the industry.”

By maintaining bio-secure testing methods and standards, we hope to continue making introductions of superior plants that maintain brand standards. We aim to establish a regional network of premier licensed growers and propagators to share these plants in landscapes all over the United States. We will dedicate 2019 to introducing the program to the industry and its customers, building production on our two initial selections. Plants are scheduled to be available for sale in the spring of 2020. At this time, we are partnering with 4 growers to distribute the product line: Overdevest Nurseries, NJ; Prides Corner Farms, CT; Saunders Brothers Nursery, VA; and Willoway Nurseries, OH.

NewGen™ Boxwood intends to raise the bar for boxwood to meet the changing dynamics of a new generation of the American garden and gardener.

Pictured is the NewGen™ team, Lindsay Day (left) Marketing Coordinator and Bennett Saunders (right) General Manager of Saunders Genetics.

Pictured is the NewGen™ team, Lindsay Day (left) Marketing Coordinator and Bennett Saunders (right) General Manager of Saunders Genetics.