
APHIS Takes Step to Slow Possible Boxwood Tree Moth Introduction

An example of the damage caused by the Boxwood Tree Moth.

An example of the damage caused by the Boxwood Tree Moth.

There is good news from the Animal and Plant Health Inspections Service (APHIS) this month! APHIS has approved the federal order restricting the importation of Buxus, Euonymous, and Ilex from Canada, in an effort to reduce the possibility of introduction of the Boxwood Tree Moth to the United States. This amendment is an important step in the right direction to protect boxwood and other crops from infestation.

Although the Boxwood Tree Moth has not been found in the United States, it has devastated boxwood production in Europe and was identified in Ontario, Canada in October 2018. Since then, Canada has been working to mitigate the spread of the pest.

This recent amendment, effective as of March 3, 2020, states that, “the importation of all propagative plant material, except seeds, of certain hosts of box tree moth are Not Authorized Pending Pest Risk Analysis.” It also states new requirements for shipments imported from Canada, including phytosanitary certificates with an additional declaration certifying that the plants fulfill certain requirements. These plants must have been produced in a facility or area recognized by CFIA as free of box tree moth or, the shipment has been officially inspected and found to be free of the pest.

Steps like these drastically decrease the movement of possibly infected material. Unfortunately, without protections like these, invasive species can quickly spread and cause devastation. Taking the necessary actions early in the process drastically reduces the likelihood of an introduction of this pest.

Both the larvae (caterpillar) and pupae stages of the Box Tree Moth, characterized by their bright green color with black stripes.

Both the larvae (caterpillar) and pupae stages of the Box Tree Moth, characterized by their bright green color with black stripes.

The adult form of the Box Tree Moth with the distinct white “cresent” shaped spot on each wing.

The adult form of the Box Tree Moth with the distinct white “cresent” shaped spot on each wing.

Jan. 2020: Saunders Genetics Announces European Partner

Bennett Saunders (left) and Peter Kroes (right) at MANTS 2020.

Bennett Saunders (left) and Peter Kroes (right) at MANTS 2020.

Saunders Genetics, LLC of North America and Dutch company van Vliet New Plants B.V. have agreed to a joint venture that begins a process that will lead to the eventual sale of Saunders Genetics’ patented NewGen™ Boxwood in the European consumer market. Bennett Saunders, General Manager, Saunders Genetics, and Peter Kroes, co-owner of van Vliet New Plants have taken the initial step of supplying plant material to select European growers for trialing over the next 12-18 months. Anticipated results of the plant trials will open the door for licensed growers to produce and distribute NewGen™ to European consumer gardeners.

Saunders Genetics introduced the NewGen™ Boxwood brand to the North American market in 2019 to much fanfare due its improved genetics that demonstrated greater tolerance of Boxwood Blight, higher resistance to Boxwood Leafminer, and WOW factor in the garden and landscape. At this time, 22 North American licensees have signed on to grow the first two plant introductions, NewGen Independence® and NewGen Freedom®. European growers are seeing the potential of NewGen™ Boxwood as a means to combat the devastation of blight that began in Europe and migrated to North America in 2011. Saunders Genetics was created not only to combat Boxwood Blight, but as a boxwood solution taking into account many years of trials and research on boxwood insects, diseases, and cultural factors.

van Vliet New Plants has been chosen as Saunders Genetics’ European connection for the introduction and management of NewGen™ in the Euro trade and consumer marketplace. The trialing process and building of production leading to consumer sales is expected to take 2-3 years. van Vliet New Plants with its global network is a recognized and proven leader in the protection, control, marketing, and management of new plant varieties.

“We believe NewGen™ Boxwood from Saunders Genetics has tremendous potential for the European market,” said Peter Kroes, co-owner at van Vliet New Plants. “The bar has been raised in the effort to find solutions to Boxwood Blight and we’re excited to be at the forefront in bringing this new generation of plant material to our audiences. Beyond blight, our association with Saunders Genetics’ long-range goal of elevating boxwood across a range of attributes and performance signals a bright future for this foundational plant.”

“We’re very pleased to be working with Peter and van Vliet New Plants in exploring the opportunities of the European market,” said Bennett Saunders, general manager of Saunders Genetics and co-owner

Feb. 2020: Third International Summit on Boxwood Challenges

The NewGen™ and Saunders Brothers teams at the Third International Summit on Boxwood Challenges, hosted by the American Boxwood Society.

The NewGen™ and Saunders Brothers teams at the Third International Summit on Boxwood Challenges, hosted by the American Boxwood Society.

Last month the American Boxwood Society hosted its Third International Summit on Current Boxwood Challenges. Over 140 people heard from researchers and growers from Europe, Canada and the United States who discussed the latest research on Boxwood Blight and the Boxwood Tree Moth. This one-day event was hosted at the National Agricultural Library in Beltsville, Maryland.

Although the Boxwood Tree Moth has not been found in the United States, it has devastated boxwood production in Europe. The morning session of the event began with research on the biology of the moth, determining the invasive pathways that introduced the moth to Europe, concluding that the pest was originally introduced from eastern China to Germany in 2007 and has since spread significantly over Europe. Most of the spread has been from the transport of infected plant material, with some movement through native boxwood forests. The moth was found in the United Kingdom in 2008 and has since spread around the southern parts of the country. Chris Poole, the Chairman of the European Boxwood & Topiary Society, shared management strategies being utilized in the United Kingdom and around Europe against the moth.

The morning session finished with speakers from North America, focusing on what the Canadian industry is doing to monitor and prevent the spread, and how the U.S. can prepare against the moth. First identified in Ontario in October 2018, OMAFRA (similar to U.S. Extension) has diligently been monitoring and treating the pest as it appears. Using many of the same tactics that have been effective in Europe, most infections are low to moderate, with less than 10% considered severe. In the United States, using pheromone traps for detection and diligently spreading the word about this potentially invasive species can aid in catching the moth early. In the event that it is found, there are methods of control already available. Researchers are aware of the pest and are focusing efforts to learn from those already affected in order to prevent the introduction of Boxwood Tree Moth to the United States.

The afternoon focused on Boxwood Blight starting with a recap of what is known about the disease and ways to treat and prevent it. Mary Ann Hansen, who works in the Plant Disease Clinic at Virginia Tech, has many years’ experience identifying Boxwood Blight. She shared information about the biology of the disease, how to identify it, and how to clean it up in the event of an infection. There are many tools available to the public about Boxwood Blight, including the Virginia Boxwood Blight Task force website.

The event finished with several presentations on further research being done around the U.S. There are many projects in the works focused on learning new and effective control strategies. Projects range from breeding programs to biocontrol studies to thermotherapy, all being done at many universities around the U.S. There is still no silver bullet in preventing or treating Boxwood Blight, but the is a light at the end of the tunnel as much of the research proves positive. One of the recent studies showed a decrease of Boxwood Blight lesions by 97% just from adding a layer of mulch. You can read more about that study here. As research continues, we only get more positive that as an industry we can overcome this challenge.

If you’d like to learn more about events like these, check out the American Boxwood Society’s website.

Jan. 2020: Highlights from the Winter Trade Shows


The winter trade show season offers many regional shows across the US. We were excited to participate again in both the Mid-Atlantic Nursery Trade Show (MANTS), and NCNLA’s Green and Growin’ show. This year marks the official launch and availability of NewGen™ Boxwood and these shows provided a great opportunity to meet many new faces and share the message of NewGen™.


The NewGen™ Team in the MANTS booth.

The NewGen™ Team in the MANTS booth.

We kicked off the new year in Baltimore, Maryland at the Mid-Atlantic Nursery Trade Show. Celebrating their 50th anniversary, the show brings in thousands of people from all aspects of the green industry and from all over the globe. It is one of the leading industry events that showcases everything from nursery stock, to the latest, innovative technology.

This year we were excited to welcome growers, retailers and landscapers into our booth to learn more about the program. Many new faces stopped by to see and interact with the plants and learn more about their benefits. Attendees could interact with NewGen Independence® and NewGen Freedom® on display at our five partner growers’ booths, Saunders Brothers Nursery, Willoway Nurseries, Overdevest Nursery, Prides Corner Farms, and Sheridan Nurseries.

MANTS is a big show that attracts industry members from all over the globe, including our European partner Peter Kroes with van Vliet New Plants. We are excited about this partnership and look forward to sharing these problem-solving plants with the European market.  

Bennett Saunders and Peter Kroes at the NewGen™ booth.

Bennett Saunders and Peter Kroes at the NewGen™ booth.

We set aside some time Wednesday after the show to have a brand meeting with our network of growers. This provided a time to check in and share our plans for the program over the next year. We are excited about what this year has in store as our network of growers expands to provide plants to more regions of the U.S.

Green & Growin’:

After MANTS we headed south to Greensboro, NC for the NCNLA Green & Growin’ show. A slightly smaller show, this event caters to the South Eastern market of the US,  from Virginia down the coast and around the gulf. This weeklong event has classes and workshops in the beginning of the week, followed by a two-day trade show. Along with Saunders Brothers, many of the NewGen™ network growers were excited to talk about the program with the attendees of the event.

The NewGen™ booth at the Green & Growin’ Show.

The NewGen™ booth at the Green & Growin’ Show.

The winter trade shows are a light in the middle of the long cold winter to remind us that spring is right around the corner. It was great to reconnect with many friends, as well as meet many new faces! As spring approaches, we are looking forward to the first NewGen™ boxwood hitting the markets. If you are looking to get some on order, check with our Partners to see what’s available in your area!

Jul. 2019: Highlights from Cultivate 2019


The Cultivate show, hosted by AmericanHort, takes place in Columbus, Ohio and attracts horticulturists from all over the globe. Although the show did not begin until Sunday, Columbus was buzzing with growers, retailers, and enthusiasts on Saturday. Many attendees were able to enjoy tours, workshops, and other educational sessions. The NewGen™ team took some time on Saturday to get out of the city and spend the afternoon touring Decker Nursery, one of the NewGen™ liner producers. It was great to see their operation and the innovative ways they are producing liners and finished material. We even got to sneak a peek at some of the early NewGen™ liners that will be shipped out to our licensees next spring!


Sunday began the trade show and our first chance to talk to many of the attendees about NewGen Independence® and NewGen Freedom®. With the formal introduction of our first two selections just weeks before the show, this provided and exciting opportunity for growers and retailers to experience the plants. These introductions were on display at the Willioway Nursery booth, along with the new plants display.

The Saunders Brothers Team at the Retail Choice Awards.

The Saunders Brothers Team at the Retail Choice Awards.

Monday brought another day of exciting educational classes and another day of the trade show. The highlight of the day was the Retail Choice Awards sponsored by the Garden Center Group. The judges evaluated 70 new products and plants on the market, and chose 15 to be recognized. NewGen™ Boxwood was chosen as one of these award recipients! We are excited and honored to stand alongside the most innovative products on the market for 2019/2020.

As the show came to a close on Tuesday, we said our goodbyes to our friends and colleagues in Columbus. It was a great opportunity to share more about our story with our peers and we look forward to sharing more next year.