Looking for NewGen® Boxwood?

With our national network of wholesaler growers and propagators, chances are one of them is within shipping distance. 

Landscape Professionals and Garden Retailers

If you’re a landscape professional or garden retailer, check out our list of wholesale growers or ask at your favorite re-wholesaler/distribution center.  We are a featured brand on LandscapeHub, with more than twenty growers and distributors listed.   Our recent media campaign in publications and e-Newsletters such as APLD, Fine Gardening and Southern Living have helped increase demand. Do not hesitate to contact us (info@newgenboxwood.com)  if you need further assistance, P.O.P., sell sheets, etc. 

Home Gardeners

Home gardeners, ask for NewGen® Boxwood at your favorite independent garden center. Please do not contact wholesale nurseries directly.  That said, many larger wholesale nurseries have a “where to find our plants” page. Just enter your zip code to find if one of their garden retail or landscaper customers are nearby. Smaller container sizes (1 to 3 gal) of our boxwood selections are offered on some plant e-commerce sites, such as Plant Addicts and the Saunders Brothers Farm Market.  

Wholesale Nurseries

Wholesale nurseries that are not yet in-network but are interested in growing NewGen Freedom® (Buxus ‘SB 300’ PP324421) or NewGen Independence®  (Buxus ‘SB 108’ PP28888),  liners are available from our licensed propagators – Decker’s Nursery, Spring Meadow, and Briggs. Note extensive quality standards apply! All are linked in our list of wholesale growers.