Spring is coming! Garden retailers are gearing up for the rush as gardeners come back to the store for new and replacement plants for their yards. Garden center staff will be stretched to the limit to give attention to customers who have questions or need help. To help out, NewGen® Boxwood offers a full range of point-of-purchase support that lends a selling hand when staff is busy and customers want information to help the buying decisions.
NewGen® Boxwood’s Silent Sales Partners
The heart of this support is the upscale plant packaging for NewGen Independence® and NewGen Freedom®. Delivered at the peak of retail-readiness, all NewGen® plants come in distinctive branded containers and labeled with large picture tags containing all the information gardeners need for purchase and care.
NewGen® Boxwood’s distinctive branded packaging
Attention-getting signage has been proven to enhance sales. NewGen® has a full complement of 2’x3’ consumer-oriented signs designed to attract customers to NewGen® displays. New to our sign series this year is a stunning presentation of NewGen Independence® planted at the White House Rose Garden as part of the major renovation completed in 2020.
2x3 POP sign featuring NewGen Independence®- boxwood of choice for the White House Rose Garden renovation in 2020
Bringing the customer to the NewGen® display is just one step in silent selling. Handy standard-size 11x7 bench card designs are available as well with key information and space for in-store pricing and store logo.
Standard-size 11x7 Bench Cards available for NewGen Freedom® and NewGen Independence® with locations for custom pricing and retailer logo
Last but not least, NewGen® 8.5x11 handouts on NewGen Independence® and NewGen Freedom® are offered with complete information to give customers details on growth habit and care.
Informative handouts for the retail shopper
For added-value, our 2x3 signs and bench cards have design options for co-branding with the garden center’s logo to give them the retailer’s stamp of approval.
All of our retail selling tools are free and available for easy download and local printing on the NewGen® website under the About menu at Marketing Resources- https://www.newgenboxwood.com/marketing-resources
And don’t forget about all the content and resource available at newgenboxwood.com that goes beyond our sales tools. A wealth of information on all-things boxwood.
We’re looking forward to another fantastic year of sales for NewGen® Boxwood for our retail customers. We’re to help. Happy Spring!