As the decade comes to a close, we set our sights to the future and the opportunities presented in the new year. Last month we looked at the official launch of the NewGen™ brand in 2019. Now as we enter 2020, we share the plans we have and how we hope to expand and connect with the industry.
Trade events and shows provide a place for many members across the industry to connect with one another and showcase the newest and most exciting products. There are many shows all over the world that cater to their region, and we are excited to participate in a few of them. The winter show season begins with one of the biggest industry events in Baltimore, MD. The Mid-Atlantic Nursery Trade Show (MANTS) will be held next week at the Baltimore convention center starting Wednesday Jan 8th until Friday Jan 10th. This show brings in a whole spectrum of industry members from the Mid-Atlantic and around the US. Last year we officially launched the NewGen™ brand at the show. We are excited to participate again, come visit us at booth 174! You can also look for NewGen™ at our partners booths around the show.
NewGen™ on display at Saunders Brothers Nursery’s booth 424.
After MANTS we will head to North Carolina to participate in NCNLA’s Green & Growin’ show in Greensboro. The show will be Thursday and Friday, Jan 30th -Feb 1st. Come visit us at booth is 529 we, look forward to seeing you there!
NewGen™ on display at Cultivate ‘19
Later in the year we will participate at the AmericanHort event, Cultivate in Columbus, OH. The show is in July and includes educational events along with a trade show. We are excited to participate in other regional shows as the schedule allows and will update you all as we add them to the calendar.
Educational Events:
Bennett Saunders giving a presentation at the First Annual NewGen™ Field Day.
One of our major goals with NewGen™ is to provide up-to-date research and information to the industry about Boxwood and Boxwood related issues. Part of that includes participating in events where we can share this knowledge with the industry and the public. Our team is excited to give presentations at events such as the SNA conference in Baltimore, MD, and the Boxwood Health Conference in Aurora, OR. We are also excited to sponsor and promote other events such as the American Boxwood Society’s event: The Third International Summit on Boxwood Challenges. Events like these bring in researchers from all over to share the most up to date information on boxwood challenges.
Plant Availability:
Starting this year, NewGen™ Boxwood will officially be available for sale from our five partner growers. Our partners include: Overdevest Nurseries in NJ, Prides Corner Farms in CT, Saunders Brothers Nursery in VA, Sheridan Nurseries in Ontario, and Willoway Nurseries in OH. Make sure to check out their websites and contact their sales teams to see when their plants will be on availability. We are excited to see over 75,000 plants available to growers, landscapers, and retailers this year!
Other ways to stay connected:
As the year progresses, we are excited to continue to develop our digital presence through our website, social media, and other platforms. Continuing to connect with the industry remains a priority as we share the message of NewGen™ Boxwood. We will continue to utilize our website and newsletters to share information and research about boxwood as well as any news about the program.
With an exciting year behind us and an ambitious year ahead of us, we are looking forward to 2020 and the start of a new decade. Happy New Year from all of us at NewGen™