Hello, growers, retailers, landscape professionals, and general fans of NewGen® Boxwood!
Allow me to introduce myself in my new role as Program Manager for NewGen®. My efforts will be devoted to the administration of the expanding NewGen®Boxwood program with responsibilities for marketing, licensee management, industry education and outreach, and content creation and communication across various channels.
Holly Scoggins, Program Manager, NewGen® Boxwood
How did Ilex come to Buxus?
My horticulture career spans more than 25+ years. With a bachelor’s in Ag Economics from the University of Georgia, I came around to Horticulture a bit later in life, scoring a second major in Horticulture and then on to a master’s degree (fun fact: I served as a graduate teaching assistant for both Dr. Armitage and Dr. Dirr and lived to tell about it). After completing a Ph.D. in Horticultural Science from North Carolina State University, the faculty role at Virginia Tech was a great fit. My twenty-year career focused on teaching (propagation, production, landscape plants and more) as well as research, and cooperative extension responsibilities. I also served as Director for the Hahn Horticulture Garden from 2002-2014, assisting with expansion of our campus garden. Another green industry passion is perennials - I’ve been a part of the Perennial Plant Association for years and will take office as President in October of this year.
I retired with emeritus honors (campus parking pass for life!) at the end of 2019. The next phase of my work life took shape as director, then vice president of Educational Programs for AmericanHort. I enjoyed working with the talented staff plus terrific industry and academic speakers to design and execute green industry educational programs. My time with AmericanHort also increased my awareness of issues facing boxwood, as the Horticultural Research Institute has led the way in organizing and funding significant efforts in boxwood research and outreach. Saunders Brothers, Inc. and now Saunders Genetics LLC, has been at the forefront of trialing for boxwood blight resistance among cultivars and developing best management practices for this keystone landscape plant.
Most of you know that Bennett Saunders’ knowledge of and passion for Buxus is second to none. To walk through boxwood trials with him (abiding by strict boxwood blight protocols, of course) is so inspiring. His tremendous curiosity and intense optimism for the future of boxwood is what drives NewGen®. The breeding program, manned by Keith Yoder and Mike Yanny, is making great headway – as seedlings are trialed for resistance to boxwood blight, boxwood leafminer, enhanced cold hardiness, an array of growth habits, etc. But Bennett is absolutely insistent on the “WOW factor” – it’s got be a gorgeous plant that will shine in the landscape.
Bennett Saunders monitors a NewGen® trial bed
One of the most fulfilling parts of my faculty career was not only teaching, but helping place ambitious students with terrific green industry employers. Thus, my connections to the Saunders businesses and family run deep through Virginia Tech. At least six current employees including a few of the Saunders 3rd generation were past students. The nursery was a favorite stop on spring field trips organized for my ornamental plant production and marketing course.
Long story short: how could I pass up this opportunity to be part of such a wonderful team?
As a lifelong-learner, I believe it’s never too late to start something good. I look forward to contributing my knowledge and skills in assisting program partners as we grow the NewGen® brand.
At press time, the summer shows are “go” – so NewGen® will be there with bells on! Can’t wait to see you at Cultivate’21 and the FarWest Show. We’re also planning a fall field day – more info coming soon!
I work remotely from a small farm in the mountains of Southwest Virginia, with frequent visits to the mothership in Piney River. I’m here to assist you in every way possible. Do not hesitate to contact me at hollys@newgenboxwood.comor call 434-277-5455 x38.