An aerial view of Overdevest Nurseries.
Overdevest Nurseries has been a premier plant grower in the northeastern United States for nearly 70 years. Family-owned and operated, the nursery grows more than 2,000 varieties of shrubs, trees, vines, and perennials on nearly 300 acres of land. They provide exceptional plant material to independent garden centers and distributors within a 300-mile radius of their farm in Bridgeton, New Jersey.
John and Jean Overdevest and their young family.
John and Jean Overdevest left war-torn Holland in 1952, settling in southern New Jersey and establishing a fledgling nursery specializing in the field production of azaleas, rhododendrons, dogwoods and Japanese maples. Their son Ed came back to the nursery in 1975 after completing his education at Cornell University in New York. Through the 1980s and 1990s, the farm continued to expand through dedication to sustainability and the installation of water recovery basins for recycling irrigation run-off, eventually moving into container plant production.
Ed Overdevest returning to the farm after graduating from Cornell in 1975.
The next generation, Ed and Gail Overdevest and their family.
What began as the dream of two immigrants quickly grew into a prosperous nursery operation through hard work and determination. Now in their third generation, Overdevest Nurseries’ commitment to quality and sustainability grows stronger each year.
Overdevest Nurseries has partnered with Saunders Genetics to bring the NewGen® brand to life. They have been crucial in trialing and evaluating NewGen Freedom® and NewGen Independence® boxwood in their growing environment.
Part of the Overdevest Nurseries team at IGC in 2015.
For more information on Overdevest Nurseries or to view their plant availability, go to their website at You can learn more about NewGen® growers on the Professional Grower Info page on the NewGen® website.